Impact Factor & Key Scientometrics


Impact Factor


H Index


Impact Factor


I. Basic Journal Info


Journal ISSN: 17366070, 17366089
Publisher: Halduskultuur Tallinn University of Technology
History: 2009-2020
Journal Hompage: Link
How to Get Published:

Research Categories


Public administration is as Woodrow Wilson writes in 1887 government in action. Government comes into existence according to Aristotles famous phrase for the sake of lifefor our protectionyet it exists for the good life. The good life is the reason we have governments. Can we have a science about good government actionsabout good public administration Public administration as a discipline of contemporary scholarly inquiry emerges precisely from the need to design better government actions and from the need to know what makes government actions better and why. This is the beginning of Kameralwissenschaften in 17th century continental Europe epitomized by the publication of Veit Ludwig von Seckendorffs Der Teutsche Frstenstaat in1656. This tradition climaxes in 19th century German Staatswissenschaften which is however also a decidedly Estonian tradition some of the most important representatives of the late 19th century German Staatswissenschaften Wagner Lexis Stieda Laspeyres Bcher worked at one point in their career in Estonia. Administrative Culture firmly positions itself within this tradition which by default means openness to other traditions schools and also cultures and languages.

II. Science Citation Report (SCR)

SCR Impact Factor

SCR Journal Ranking

SCImago SJR Rank

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR indicator) is a measure of scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from.

Scopus 2-Year Impact Factor Trend

Note: impact factor data for reference only

Scopus 3-Year Impact Factor Trend

Note: impact factor data for reference only

Scopus 4-Year Impact Factor Trend

Note: impact factor data for reference only

Impact Factor History

2-year 3-year 4-year
  • 2022 Impact Factor
    0.333 0.444 0.517
  • 2021 Impact Factor
    0.643 0.92 0.931
  • 2020 Impact Factor
    0.75 0.667 0.515
  • 2019 Impact Factor
    0.467 0.417 0.344
  • 2018 Impact Factor
    0.077 0.143 0.286
  • 2017 Impact Factor
    0.412 0.742 0.744
  • 2016 Impact Factor
    0.273 0.324 0.432
  • 2015 Impact Factor
    0.731 0.778 0.792
  • 2014 Impact Factor
    0.227 NA NA
  • 2013 Impact Factor
    0.364 NA NA
  • 2012 Impact Factor
    0.4 NA NA
  • 2011 Impact Factor
    0.526 NA NA
  • 2010 Impact Factor
    0.667 NA NA
  • 2009 Impact Factor
    0 NA NA
  • 2008 Impact Factor
    NA NA NA
  • 2007 Impact Factor
    NA NA NA
  • 2006 Impact Factor
    NA NA NA
  • 2005 Impact Factor
    NA NA NA
  • 2004 Impact Factor
    NA NA NA
  • 2003 Impact Factor
    NA NA NA
  • 2002 Impact Factor
    NA NA NA
  • 2001 Impact Factor
    NA NA NA
  • 2000 Impact Factor
    NA NA NA
Note: impact factor data for reference only




Impact Factor

Impact factor (IF) is a scientometric factor based on the yearly average number of citations on articles published by a particular journal in the last two years. A journal impact factor is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field. Find out more: What is a good impact factor?

III. Other Science Influence Indicators

Any impact factor or scientometric indicator alone will not give you the full picture of a science journal. There are also other factors such as H-Index, Self-Citation Ratio, SJR, SNIP, etc. Researchers may also consider the practical aspect of a journal such as publication fees, acceptance rate, review speed. (Learn More)


The h-index is an author-level metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar. The index is based on the set of the scientist's most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications


H-Index History