- Transplantology
- American Religion
- Forest Engineering
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- Bulletin of Canadian Energy Geoscience
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- Journal of Bio-X Research
- Kazakhstan Archeology
- Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture
- Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering
- Market and Competition Law Review
- Roczniki humanistyczne
- Foundations and Trends in Information Systems
- Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion
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- Journal of Mathematical Analysis
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- Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases
- Jurnal Sylva Lestari
- Review of Computer Engineering Research
- Traditional and Kampo Medicine
- US Geological Survey Data Report
- Chinese Journal of Radiological Health
- Indonesian Journal of Health Administration
- Journal of Housing Research
- Proceedings of the Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- Revista de Defesa da Concorrencia
- Revista de Derecho de la Seguridad Social, Laborum
- Revista Eletronica de Direito Processual
- WikiJournal of Science
- Blasting
- Chirurgie (Germany)
- Journal of Latin Linguistics
- Mathematical Models in Engineering
- Revista Alconpat
- Revista Brasileira de Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Scripta and E-Scripta
- Egyptian Journal of Veterinary Science(Egypt)
- Foregut
- Northeast Journal of Complex Systems
- Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Politicas
- Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras
- Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
- Journal of Meat Science
- Advances in Bamboo Science
- Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology
- Feminist Encounters
- Mathematics in Applied Sciences and Engineering
- Mongolian Geoscientist
- Novel Research in Microbiology Journal
- International Journal of Religion
- Laparoscopic, Endoscopic, and Robotic Surgery
- Photonics Russia
- Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Adolescent Psychiatry
- Chinese Journal of Wildlife
- Revista Cartografica
- Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications
- Culture Crossroads
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- Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education
- Journal of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches
- World Art
- Frontiers in Health Informatics
- Pan African Medical Journal One Health
- Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina
- History of Philosophy and Logical Analysis
- Journal of Philosophical Theological Research
- Teoria y Derecho
- Zhonghua jie he he hu xi za zhi = Zhonghua jiehe he huxi zazhi = Chinese journal of tuberculosis and respiratory diseases
- AgroLife Scientific Journal
- International Journal of Applied Power Engineering
- Iranian Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
- Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation
- Urologie
- Verge: Studies in Global Asias
- Grudnaya i Serdechno-Sosudistaya Khirurgiya
- International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks
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- Payesh
- Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
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- Journal of Graphics
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- Sociology Lens
- Case Reports in Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
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- Jurnal Kimia Valensi
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- Archives of Breast Cancer
- Escritura e Imagen
- Journal of Wound Management and Research
- Padjadjaran Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
- Revista Medica Clinica Las Condes
- Russian Language at School
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- Hepatic Oncology
- Journal of Underrepresented and Minority Progress
- Majalah Obat Tradisional
- Aesthetic Cosmetology and Medicine
- Archives of Veterinary Medicine
- Brill's Studies in Historical Linguistics
- Chinese Journal of Animal Nutrition
- Dissertationes Archaeologicae ex Instituto Archaeologico Universitatis de Rolando Eotvos Nominatae
- Environmental Research and Technology
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- Plastic and Aesthetic Nursing
- University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings
- E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty
- Erasmus Law Review
- Horticultura Argentina
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- Face
- Journal of European Periodical Studies
- Kardiologie
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- Energy Environment Efficiency Resources Globalization
- Food and Fermentation Industries
- Iraqi National Journal of Earth Science
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- World Construction Symposium
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- Cuhso
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Mine Closure
- Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
- AtoZ
- Commagene Journal of Biology
- Journal of Research and Health
- Disena
- Endocrinology (Switzerland)
- Environment, Space, Place
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- Magazen
- Osmanli Medeniyeti Arastirmalari Dergisi
- Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean
- Revista Guillermo de Ockham
- Adiyaman University Journal of Science
- Afrika Focus
- Fusion: Practice and Applications
- Journal of Entomological Society of Iran
- Microbes and Infectious Diseases
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- International Quarterly for Asian Studies
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- Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Formatio Circumiectus
- Journal of Early Christian History
- Journal of Ecohumanism
- Journal of Functional Polymers
- Korean Journal of Sport Science
- Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agricolas
- Romanica Olomucensia
- Studia Historica: Historia Contemporanea
- Bulletin de la Dialyse a Domicile
- Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy
- International Journal of Medical Biochemistry
- LLT Journal: Journal on Language and Language Teaching
- Lujun Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Army Engineering University of PLA
- Nordic Journal of African Studies
- Revista de Geociencias do Nordeste
- Science and Technology of Food Industry
- Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam
- University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law
- International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences
- Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer
- Jurnal Hukum Novelty
- Lentera Hukum
- Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
- Psychology
- Travmatologiya i Ortopediya Rossii
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- Anuario Electronico de Estudios en Comunicacion Social Disertaciones
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- Computational Methods in Applied Sciences
- DiGeSt - Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies
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- Journal of Zoonotic Diseases
- Reviews on Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Therapy
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- Christianity in the Middle East
- Comunicacion y Medios
- Coronaviruses
- Educacion y Humanismo
- International Journal of Population Studies
- Metafora
- Strides in Development of Medical Education Journal
- Studies in Costume and Performance
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- Nuova Antologia Militare
- Unnes Journal of Public Health
- Yakin Donem Turkiye Arastirmalari
- Health in Emergencies and Disasters Quarterly
- International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition
- Plant Pest Research
- Acta Zoologica Lilloana
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- Bibliotecas
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- ICL Journal
- Ingenius
- Journal of Archaeological Studies
- Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
- Open Research Africa
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- Biologicni Studii
- Integrative and Complementary Therapies
- International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering
- Journal of Applied Bioanalysis
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- Legado de Arquitectura y Diseno
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- Russian Cardiology Bulletin
- Advances in Consumer Research
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- Art and Material Culture in Medieval and Renaissance Europe
- Australasian Journal of Plastic Surgery
- Australian Playwrights
- Brill's Series on the Early Middle Ages
- Brill's Studies in Indo-European Languages and Linguistics
- Catholic Christendom, 1300-1700
- Chiasma
- Chinese Perspectives on Human Rights and Good Governance
- Contemporary Trends and Issues in Science Education
- Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research
- C.R.I.N.: Cahiers de Recherche des Instituts Neerlandais de Langue et de Litterature Francaise
- Cultural Dynamics of Science
- Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- European Joyce Studies
- Genesis (Italy)
- Groningen Oriental Studies, Supplement
- Iberian Religious World
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- Prilozi (Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite. Oddelenie za medicinski nauki)
- Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences
- Radboud Studies in Humanities
- Revista Mexicana de Economia y Finanzas Nueva Epoca
- Schriftenreihe zur Philosophie Karl R. Poppers und des Kritischen Rationalismus/Series in the Philosophy of Karl R. Popper and Critical Rationalism
- Selected Works of Juan Luis Vives
- Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia
- Studien zur Osterreichischen Philosophie
- Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History
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- Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis
- Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT
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- Vestnik Rossijskoj Voenno-Medicinskoj Akademii
- Apuntes del Cenes
- CardioSomatics
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- Ukrainian Journal of Forest and Wood Science
- Applications of NMR Spectroscopy
- Babcock University Medical Journal
- Dicenda
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- Gynakologie
- Health Sciences Investigations Journal
- International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management
- Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics
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- Proceedings of the International Ship Control Systems Symposium
- Russian Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Anesthesia and Intensive Care
- Sechenov Medical Journal
- World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress
- Cadernos de Sociomuseologia
- Digital Icons
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- European Journal of Rhinology and Allergy
- Journal of Chinese Architecture and Urbanism
- Journal of Musculoskeletal Surgery and Research
- Loggia, Arquitectura y Restauracion
- Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
- Cuadernos AISPI
- Fizicna Reabilitacia ta Rekreacijno-Ozdorovci Tehnologii
- International Conference on Higher Education Advances
- Journal of Autonomous Intelligence
- Journal of colonialism & colonial history / sponsored by Towson University
- Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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- Reproductive Health of Woman
- Analecta Veterinaria
- Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology
- Entomologia Hellenica
- Historia Philosophica
- Japan Review
- Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies
- Passer Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
- Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics
- Review of Religion and Chinese Society
- Revista Electronica de Linguistica Aplicada
- Tractors and Agricultural Machinery
- Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo
- American Journal of Islam and Society
- Journal of Head and Neck Physicians and Surgeons
- Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery
- Language and Semiotic Studies
- Miznarodnij Endokrinologicnij Zurnal
- Projeto Historia
- Zeitschrift fur Arabische Linguistik
- Chinese Journal of General Surgery
- Cuadernos de Derecho Local
- European Conference on Multifunctional Structures
- Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
- Jordan Journal of Chemistry
- Laboratorio de Arte
- Proceedings of the International Conference of Architectural Science Association
- Religion and Gender
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- RUDN Journal of Medicine
- An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)
- Clotho
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- Historia Actual Online
- International Research Symposium on PBL
- Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism
- Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University
- Journal of Visualized Surgery
- Jurnal Pengukuran Psikologi dan Pendidikan Indonesia
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- Nano LIFE
- Ogigia
- Przeglad Zachodniopomorski
- Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
- Revista Peruana de Ginecologia y Obstetricia
- Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat
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- Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego
- Journal of Islamic International Medical College
- Poblacion y Salud en Mesoamerica
- Zhongguo Dongmai Yinghua Zazhi
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- International Journal of Parliamentary Studies
- JALT Journal
- Journal of Payavard Salamat
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- Medicina y Laboratorio
- Optical Characterization of Materials
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- International VAT Monitor
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- Actualidades en Psicologia
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- Kemas
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- Multinational Finance Journal
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- N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics
- Persica Antiqua
- Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction
- Diabetologie
- European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
- Gastroenterology (Ukraine)
- GIS-Zeitschrift fur Geoinformatik
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- Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure
- AJSP: Reviews and Reports
- Almanac of Clinical Medicine
- ASAP Journal
- Delta Journal of Ophthalmology
- Estudios de Derecho
- Heart, Vessels and Transplantation
- International Journal of Experimental Research and Review
- International Transfer Pricing Journal
- Journal of Education in Muslim Societies
- Mizan Law Review
- NTP Research Report Series
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- Revista Direito e Sexualidade
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- Scripta Medica (Banja Luka)
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- Trends in Pediatrics
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- Aging and Health Research
- Aibi, Revista de Investigacion Administracion e Ingenierias
- Ars Orientalis
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- Bibliotheca Maqriziana
- Brill?s Series on Chinese Education
- Collection Monographique Rodopi en Litterature Francaise Contemporaine
- Economia Pubblica
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- Gonda Indological Studies
- International Journal of Language and Law
- Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft
- Journal of Jewish Identities
- Leiden Studies in Islam and Society
- Magical and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity
- Masterclass in Neuroendocrinology
- Mathematics in Industry
- Nijhoff International Investment Law Series
- Osterreichisches Religionspadagogisches Forum
- Proceedings from the International Congress on Project Management and Engineering
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Gender Research
- Ricerche di Storia Sociale e Religiosa
- Studies in Global Slavery
- Studies in the History of Collecting and Art Markets
- Supplements to Method and Theory in the Study of Religion
- Utrecht Studies in Language and Communication
- Women Writers in History
- Chinese Journal of Clinical Research
- eLearning and Software for Education Conference
- Izvestiya RAN. Seriya Literatury i Yazyka
- Journal of Applied History
- Periferica Internacional
- Trajecta
- Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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- Heart India
- International Symposium on Graphic Engineering and Design
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- Textus
- Women, Gender, and Families of Color
- Actes (IFSTTAR)
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- Anuario de la Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Extremadura
- Bolivian Studies Journal
- De Arte
- Docomomo Journal
- Geotecnia
- Healthcare in Low-Resource Settings
- Ius et Veritas
- Journal of Abbasid Studies
- Latvijas Nacionalas Bibliotekas Zinatniskie Raksti
- Litteraria Copernicana
- Lodzkie Studia Etnograficzne
- Revista de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Politicas
- RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism
- Studia Universitatis Hereditati
- Vertimo Studijos
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- Bilingual Processing and Acquisition
- Caribbean Series
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- Early American History Series
- Historia Agraria de America Latina
- Hitit Theology Journal
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- Journal of Health Policy and Outcomes Research
- Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia
- Medicina nei secoli
- NTP Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Technical Report Series
- NTP Technical Report on the Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies Series
- Nuncius Series
- On the Boundary of Two Worlds
- Ostrava Journal of English Philology
- Pamukkale Medical Journal
- SCROLL: Scottish Cultural Review of Language and Literature
- Southern Journal for Contemporary History
- Studia Imagologica
- Studies on Sufism
- Theory Now
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- European Taxation
- Food Studies
- Historia Provinciae - Zurnal Regional'noj Istorii
- International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation
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- Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies
- OphthaTherapy. Therapies in Ophthalmology
- Palabra Clave (La Plata)
- Romanian Medical Journal
- Swiatowit
- Atrio
- China Condiment
- Gastroenterologie
- Global Competition Litigation Review
- International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century
- Journal of Xinxiang Medical University
- Monografies de la Societat d'Historia Natural de les Balears
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- Advances in Fixed Point Theory
- Al-Rafidain Journal of Medical Sciences
- AusArt
- Deltion Hellenikes Mikrobiologikes kai Hygieinologikes Hetaireias
- Emergency Medicine (Ukraine)
- Environment and Social Psychology
- Folklorica
- Geoscience in South-West England
- Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights/Anuario Interamericano de Derechos Humanos
- Modern Gastroenterology
- Neurologie Up2date
- Philosophia Africana
- Philosophica
- Stuttgarter Symposium fur Produktentwicklung
- Youth in a Globalizing World
- Academic Journal of Naval Medical University
- Challenges to National Defence in Contemporary Geopolitical Situation
- Huarte de San Juan. Geografia e Historia
- Inmaterial
- International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society
- International Trade Law and Regulation
- Proceedings of the World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Science
- Ukrainian Journal of Perinatology and Pediatrics
- Zeitschrift fur Pneumologie
- Art and the Public Sphere
- Choral Journal
- Current Research in Dental Sciences
- Digital Philology: Journal of Medieval Cultures
- Dotawo
- Essays in French Literature and Culture
- Hematology in Clinical Practice
- Latina et Graeca
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- Proceedings of International Conference on Research in Education and Science
- Romanian Journal of Stomatology
- Sortuz
- St Andrews Studies in Reformation History
- touchREVIEWS in Neurology
- A+BE Architecture and the Built Environment
- Amoenitas
- Anales de Investigacion en Arquitectura
- Cardiovascular and Metabolic Science
- Chinese Journal of Radiology
- Classics Ireland
- Costerus New Series
- Currents of Encounter
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- International Journal of Canadian Studies
- International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education and History Culture
- Journal of Medical Pest Control
- Pain, Joints, Spine
- Priroda (Czech Republic)
- Revista de Gestion Publica
- Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente
- Romanian Journal of Medical Practice
- Russian Family Doctor
- Sesit pro Umeni, Teorii a Pribuzne Zony
- Textxet: Studies in Comparative Literature
- Theology and Mission in World Christianity
- Zhonghua shi yan he lin chuang bing du xue za zhi = Zhonghua shiyan he linchuang bingduxue zazhi = Chinese journal of experimental and clinical virology
- Archives of Epilepsy
- Australasian Drama Studies
- Cuadernos de Investigacion Filologica
- Hamsa
- Humanidades
- International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
- International Journal of Legal Information
- International Journal of Nonlinear Science
- Jesuit Studies
- Journal of Chinese Film Studies
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- Journal of Popular Romance Studies
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- Mester
- Ming Qing Yanjiu
- NED University Journal of Research
- Postcolonial Directions in Education
- Praticas da Historia
- Public Journal of Semiotics
- Research Report ARR
- Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases
- SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility
- Wagadu: Journal of Transnational Women's and Gender Studies
- Asten Journal of Teacher Education
- Brill Reference Library of Judaism
- Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
- Convegno Nazionale di Bioingegneria
- Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health
- Ex-position
- Faventia
- Forensic Anthropology
- GLOCAL Conference Proceedings
- Humanitas Taiwanica
- Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law
- IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies
- Journal of Fatima Jinnah Medical University
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- Rechtskultur
- Russian Japanology Review
- UcoArte. Revista de Teoria e Historia del Arte
- Yearbook of Ancient Greek Epic
- Acta Medico-Historica Rigensia
- Africa(Italy)
- Annali di Studi Religiosi
- Archaeological Textiles Review
- Archaeology
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- Authorship
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- Craniomaxillofacial Research and Innovation
- Critical Ethnic Studies
- Crusades
- Cuadernos del Cemyr
- European Journal of Musculoskeletal Diseases
- Faux Titre
- Global Sixties: An Interdisciplinary Journal
- Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences
- Latin American Legal Studies
- Latvijas Universitites Zurnals Vesture
- Lietuvos Istorijos Studijos
- Nephrologie (Germany)
- Polish American Studies
- Pravny Obzor
- Rivista Italiana di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale
- Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej
- Trasvases Entre la Literatura y el Cine
- Value Inquiry Book Series
- ZEMCH International Conference
- Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis
- Acta Musei Napocensis
- Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
- American Journal of Numismatics
- Antiguedad y Cristianismo
- Antiqvorvm Philosophia
- Archeologia Classica
- Ars Adriatica
- Ars (Sao Paulo)
- Aschkenas
- Astragalo
- Atlanti+
- Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art
- Austrian Review of International and European Law
- Baku State University Law Review
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- Clinical Psychology Today
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- Cornova
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- Etudes balkaniques / Académie bulgare des sciences, Institut d'études balkaniques
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- Geotechnical Engineering Education
- Gnosis
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- Histories of Postwar Architecture
- HyperCultura
- Illinois classical studies
- In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics
- Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas
- Kadim
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- Luziana
- Martor
- Meander
- Norwegian-American Studies
- Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry
- Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Miedzynarodowego
- Proceedings of the International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria
- Public law
- Quaderns de Filosofia
- Quaderns d'Italia
- Quetes Litteraires
- Quien
- Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
- Revista de Comunicacao e Linguagens
- Revista Electronica Iberoamericana
- Revista Galega de Filoloxia
- Revista Iberoamericana de la Propiedad Intelectual
- Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia
- Romanian Journal of Pediatrics
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- Shejzat
- Studi Pasoliniani
- Studi Rinascimentali
- Studi Veronesi
- Studia Academica Sumenensia
- Teologicka Reflexe
- Trans Asia Photography
- Zbornik Radova Vizantoloskog Instituta
- Zeitschrift fur Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung
- Zeszyty Wiejskie
- Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica
- Bialostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze
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- Border Crossings
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- Didaskalia (Poland)
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- Istorijski Casopis
- JUS Rivista di Scienze Giuridiche
- Korean Journal of Art History
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- Nauchnyy Vestnik Moskovskoy Konservatorii
- Operations Engineer
- Pessoa Plural
- Revista de Historia (Costa Rica)
- Sguardo
- Strenae
- Studia Religiosa Rossica
- Summaries of JSSI and JSSE Joint Conference on Snow and Ice Research
- Zoophilologica
- Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance and Fraud
- Agathon
- Agricultural Biotechnology Journal
- Al-Kindy College Medical Journal
- Annual IEEE Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium
- Approaches to Translation Studies
- AP-S International Symposium (Digest) (IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society)
- Archives of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
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- ARS (Bratislava)
- Asian Communication Research
- Asian Journal of Green Chemistry
- Avicenna Bulletin
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- Belarusian Folklore: Data and Research
- Beyoglu Eye Journal
- Bialostockie Studia Prawnicze
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- Biomolecules and Biomedicine
- Brill Studies in Language Contact and Dynamics of Language
- Brill's Studies in Maritime History
- Brill's Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History
- Budownictwo i Architektura
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- Clinical Psychology and Special Education
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- Discover Nano
- Diseases
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- Kul'tura Slavan i Kul'tura Evreev: Dialog, Shodstva, Razlicia
- L2 Journal
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- Paramita
- Perinatal Journal
- Petita: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum dan Syariah
- Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
- Public Health of Indonesia
- Quantitative Finance and Economics
- Red Cedar Review
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- Series on Concrete and Applicable Mathematics
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- Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences
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- SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering
- SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
- Stochastic Modelling and Computational Sciences (discontinued)
- Studia Geological Polonica
- Studia Judaeoslavica
- Studies in Central European Histories
- Studies in Mechanobiology, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials
- Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance
- Sustainable Food Technology
- Telehealth and Medicine Today
- Think (UK)
- Trabajos de Geologia
- Tuberculosis, Lung Diseases, HIV Infection
- Ufa Archaeological Herald
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- Visualising the Middle Ages
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- Blood cancer discovery
- Carbon Research
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- Aggregate
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- Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review
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- NAR Cancer
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- Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science
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- Energy Nexus
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- Complex System Modeling and Simulation
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition
- Medical sciences (Basel, Switzerland)
- Carbon Neutrality
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- Digital Discovery
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- AAPPS Bulletin
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- Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology
- Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research
- Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment
- Gas Science and Engineering
- Engineering Microbiology
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- Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems
- Animal Microbiome
- Frontiers in Genome Editing
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- Flow
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- Narra J
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- Frontiers of Engineering Management
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- mLife
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- ACS Organic and Inorganic Au
- ACS Measurement Science Au
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- Resources Chemicals and Materials
- ChemPhysMater
- Foundations of Data Science
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- SSM - Mental Health
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- Tropical Cyclone Research and Review
- American Journal of Biological Anthropology
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- Combinatorial Theory
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- Frontiers in Oral Health
- Exploration of Targeted Anti-tumor Therapy
- Journal of Cannabis Research
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- Journal of Cardiovascular Aging
- Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology
- eFood
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- Electrochem
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- Urogynecology
- CABI Agriculture and Bioscience
- International Journal of Hydromechatronics
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- PSU Research Review
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- Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology
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- Food Chemistry Advances
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- Life Metabolism
- Computational Urban Science
- Frontiers in Reproductive Health
- Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open
- Prosthesis
- International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics
- Biomaterials and Biosystems
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- Meat and Muscle Biology
- Neuroimage: Reports
- Asian Journal of Mycology
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- Environmental Science: Advances
- Journal of Electrochemistry
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- Total Environment Research Themes
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- Journal of Optical Microsystems
- Proceedings - Prehistoric Society
- IJID Regions
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- Electricity
- Epidemiologia
- Journalism and Media
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- Ijtihad: Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan
- Forecasting
- Guidance, Navigation and Control
- Animal Diseases
- Digital Chemical Engineering
- Data Science
- Journal of Ionic Liquids
- Plant-Environment Interactions
- Frontiers in Animal Science
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- FEMS Microbes
- Dili Yanjiu
- Journal of Creativity
- Taprobanica
- Sustainable Chemistry for Climate Action
- Frontiers in Chemical Engineering
- Juris: Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah
- Journal of Responsible Technology
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- Frontiers in Sustainability
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- Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews
- Translational Sports Medicine
- Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization
- SPE Polymers
- Neurotrauma Reports
- Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour
- Results in Surfaces and Interfaces
- International Journal of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Design and Technology
- Measurement: Food
- Diabetology
- Frontiers in Fungal Biology
- Annals of 3D Printed Medicine
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- Japanese Political Economy
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- Surfaces
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- International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation
- Beverage Plant Research
- Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy
- Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Global
- Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics
- Nano Express
- Frontiers in Soil Science
- Portal Hypertension and Cirrhosis
- Memory, Mind and Media
- Vibration
- Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis
- Journal of Taibah University for Science
- Birds
- Investigaciones sobre Lectura
- Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences
- World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
- Earth (Switzerland)
- Labour and Industry
- Programme Grants for Applied Research
- Geohumanities
- ATS Scholar
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open
- ES Energy and Environment
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- Medical Review
- Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens
- Oxford Open Immunology
- Antimicrobial Stewardship and Healthcare Epidemiology
- Journal of Classical Analysis
- Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics
- Q Open
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- International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice
- Data and Information Management
- European Journal of Breast Health
- Frontiers of Mathematics
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- Microbiology Research
- Journal of Digital Economy
- Sci
- Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
- Free Neuropathology
- HRB Open Research
- Journal of Micromanufacturing
- Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes
- Journal of Human Rights, Culture and Legal System
- Access Microbiology
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- Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry
- Alytes
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- Journal of Pedagogical Research
- Vestnik Rossiyskikh Universitetov. Matematika
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- Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei
- IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Urology Research and Practice
- Global Public Policy and Governance
- Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
- Ecologies
- Proceedings - International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems
- Future Rare Diseases
- CivilEng
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- Cancer Innovation
- Taxonomy
- Journal of Chromatography Open
- Quanqiu Nengyuan Hulianwang
- Public Administration Quarterly
- Clinics and Practice
- Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University. Series Physics
- Nitrogen (Switzerland)
- Advances in Cancer Biology - Metastasis
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- Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
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- Animal Sentience
- International Journal of Community Well-Being
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- Infectious Medicine
- Mechanical Engineering for Society and Industry
- Si Somos Americanos
- German Journal of Veterinary Research
- Journal of Social and Economic Development
- Mycosystema
- Psychological Test Adaptation and Development
- Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Mathematics Series
- Al-Istinbath: Jurnal Hukum Islam
- Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
- Internet Technology Letters
- Camera Praehistorica
- Journal of Illicit Economies and Development
- World Journal of Nephrology
- Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases
- Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
- Diabetes Epidemiology and Management
- Telematics and Informatics Reports
- Review of Economics and Political Science
- Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities
- C-Journal of Carbon Research
- Heart and Mind
- Journal of Education Culture and Society
- Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling
- Journal of the International Council for Small Business
- Review of Behavioral Economics
- Eng
- Journal of Labor and Society
- Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics
- JMIR Bioinformatics and Biotechnology
- Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health
- Problemy Istoricheskoy Poetiki
- Iraq
- PEC Innovation
- Applied Pragmatics
- European Review of International Studies
- Journal of Mining Science
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Smart Infrastructure and Construction
- STUF - Language Typology and Universals
- World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin
- Plastic and Aesthetic Research
- Exploration of Medicine
- Traffic Safety Research
- Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
- Volksgeist: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum dan Konstitusi
- Materia Socio-Medica
- Modelling
- Archaeologiae
- International Journal of Agriculture and Biosciences
- GRUR International
- Journal of Posthumanism
- Magnetic Resonance Letters
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- Journal of Curriculum Studies Research
- Lifestyle Medicine
- Psychotherapie
- Cardiology Discovery
- Journal of Critical Care Medicine
- Journal of Global Health Reports
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- Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
- Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura
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- Laws
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- Journal of Catholic Education
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- Disabilities
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- Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics
- Anaesthesiologie
- Applied Mechanics
- Cognitive Linguistic Studies
- SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education
- Water Conservation Science and Engineering
- Economy of Regions
- Dacoromania Litteraria
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- Gulf Journal of Mathematics
- Journal of Cartilage and Joint Preservation
- Analytica
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- Hepatology Forum
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- Law Reform: Jurnal Pembaharuan Hukum
- Orthopadie
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- International journal of implant dentistry
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- Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in Europe
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- Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
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- Liquid Blackness
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- Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions
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- International Studies of Economics
- Teaching English Language
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- Ulumuna
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- Compensation and benefits review
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- Pathologie
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- Mini-invasive Surgery
- Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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- Dermatologie
- Hogre Utbildning
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- Clinical and Investigative Orthodontics
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- Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources
- Thoracic Research and Practice
- Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences
- ARP Rheumatology
- Critical Gambling Studies
- Jurnal Hukum Unissula
- Research in Cold and Arid Regions
- Stockholm Studies in Child Law and Children's Rights
- Town and Regional Planning
- Prohistoria. Historia, Politicas de la Historia
- Revista Brasileira de Seguranca Publica
- Revista de Psicologia Aplicada al Deporte y al Ejercicio Fisico
- Journal of Neurosurgery: Case Lessons
- Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering
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- Precision Nanomedicine
- World Journal of Acupuncture - Moxibustion
- CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems
- Northern Clinics of Istanbul
- Acta odontologica latinoamericana : AOL
- Chinese Journal of Wood Science and Technology
- Creative Arts in Education and Therapy
- Journal of Optimization
- Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law
- Recent Advances in Food, Nutrition and Agriculture
- Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research
- Neurosurgical Focus: Video
- Zeitschrift fur Technikfolgenabschatzung in Theorie und Praxis / Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice
- Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica
- Bereavement
- Letters in Applied NanoBioScience
- Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference
- Analytical Chemistry Letters
- International Journal of Systemic Therapy
- Combustion Engines
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe
- Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas
- Shakespeare Bulletin
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- Critical Education
- Geomorfologiya i Paleogeografiya
- APN Science Bulletin
- Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics
- Designs for Learning
- International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems
- Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange
- Natural Resources for Human Health
- Edutec
- Journal of Qualitative Research in Tourism
- Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration
- Stats
- Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science
- Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies
- Research in Corpus Linguistics
- Tehnicki Glasnik
- Journal of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Technique
- SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration
- Digital Diagnostics
- Yankuang Ceshi
- Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society
- International Journal of African Higher Education
- Psychology and Law
- Geological Journal (Ukraine)
- Zhonghua hu li za zhi = Chinese journal of nursing
- Beijing International Review of Education
- Examples and Counterexamples
- Journal of Dentistry (Iran)
- South African Journal of Agricultural Extension
- Jurnal Ners
- Journal of European Tort Law
- Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
- International Journal of Mathematics for Industry
- International Seminar on ORC Power Systems
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- Atiqot
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- Radiologie
- Engineering Proceedings
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- Sonography
- Biosaintifika
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- Studia Warminskie
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- Jurnal Medik Veteriner
- Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education
- Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie
- Journal of Refrigeration
- Aero Weaponry
- Asian Journal of Human Services
- Bulleten' Pocvennogo Instituta Imeni V.V. Dokucaeva
- Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law
- Psicogente
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- Dearq
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- InDret
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- ArchiDOCT
- International Journal of Environmental Sciences(IND)
- Libri(Turkey)
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- Journal of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine(Turkey)
- AIChE, Ammonia Plant Safty and Related Facilities v12 (CEP Tech Manual)
- ASp
- Bulletin de l'Ordre des mé
- Izvestiya Vuzov. Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya i Funktsional'nye Pokrytiya
- Sibirskij Zurnal Kliniceskoj i Eksperimental'noj Mediciny
- Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
- CommIT Journal
- Journal Africain d'Hepato-Gastroenterologie
- Vestnik Vosstanovitel'noj Mediciny
- CLEI Eletronic Journal (CLEIej)
- WikiJournal of Medicine
- RiMe Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea
- ISeCure
- EuroMediterranean Biomedical Journal
- Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Quimico-Farmaceuticas(Colombia)
- Brill's Companions to European History
- Brill's Korean Studies Library
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- OEconomia
- Music & Medicine
- English Teaching(South Korea)
- Sophia(Ecuador)
- Komp'juternaja Lingvistika i Intellektual'nye Tehnologii
- International Journal of Social Quality(United States)
- Proceedings - IEEE Computer Society's International Computer Software and Applications Conference
- Retos(Ecuador)
- Women's Health Reports
- HighTech and Innovation Journal
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- Recent advances in inflammation & allergy drug discovery
- ImmunoHorizons
- F1000Research
- Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs
- InfoMat
- PhotoniX
- EcoMat
- ImmunoTargets and Therapy
- SciPost Physics Core
- Title
- Sport i Turystyka
- Bali Medical Journal
- Chemical Industry and Engineering
- Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council
- VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura
- Afrika-Studiecentrum Series
- Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology
- Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus
- Bible in Ancient Christianity
- Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice
- European Pharmaceutical Law Review
- Foro Hispanico
- Frontier Materials and Technologies
- International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences
- International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research
- International Journal of Learning in Higher Education
- Japanese Visual Culture
- Journal of African Military History
- Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
- Journal of Policy Studies
- Know
- Medieval Law and Its Practice
- Mittellateinische Studien und Texte
- Pharmaceutical Journal
- Proteomics Insights
- Religion in the Americas Series
- Revista Juridica Portucalense
- Rulers and Elites
- Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats
- Studia Semitica Neerlandica
- Studies in Theology and Religion
- Studies of Religion in Africa
- Texts and Editions for New Testament Study
- Indonesia
- Keramische Zeitschrift
- Neuropsychiatric Investigation
- Novitas-ROYAL
- Philosophia Scientiae
- Proceedings of Science
- Sociological Studies of Children and Youth
- South African Orthopaedic Journal
- Akademik Gida
- Australian Year Book of International Law
- Drug Evaluation Research
- Journal of Social Economics Research
- Kutafin Law Review
- Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad and Divulgacion Cientifica
- Archivum
- Cuestiones Teologicas
- Heart International
- Indonesian Journal of International Law
- Infarma - Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Izvestiya Vuzov. Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya i Funktsional'nye Pokrytiya
- Thermology International
- Tidskriftet Antropologi
- Turk Osteoporoz Dergisi
- VOEB-Mitteilungen
- Advances in Business and Management Forecasting
- INTELEC, International Telecommunications Energy Conference (Proceedings)
- International Journal of Mathematics and Physics
- Neonatology, Surgery and Perinatal Medicine
- Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide
- Philologia Antiqua
- Reproductive Health Eastern Europe
- Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
- Sibirskij Zurnal Kliniceskoj i Eksperimental'noj Mediciny
- Slavia Antiqua
- Terrain
- Umanistica Digitale
- Acta Linguistica Petropolitana
- Anatolian Journal of Family Medicine
- Art-Sanat Dergisi
- Chemical Problems
- East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies
- Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
- Journal for Foreign Languages
- Journal of Australian Taxation
- Journal of Management and Business Research
- Khyber Medical University Journal
- Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias
- Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
- Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
- Victorian Popular Fictions
- Advances in Planetary Science
- Advances in Race and Ethnicity in Education
- Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin
- Chinese and Comparative Law Series
- CommIT Journal
- Educational Governance Research
- Eurasian Journal of Family Medicine
- Feminist Modernist Studies
- Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 4, China
- Historijski Pogledi
- Journal Africain d'Hepato-Gastroenterologie
- Journal of Global Business and Trade
- Korean Journal of Financial Studies
- Law, Environment and Development Journal
- Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies
- Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches
- Research in the Sociology of Health Care
- Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais
- Revista Cubana de Cardiologia y Cirugia Cardiovascular
- Revista de Administracao Contemporanea
- Russian Journal of Allergy
- Slavistica Vilnensis
- Studies in Global Social History
- Sydney law review, The
- Vestnik Dermatologii i Venerologii
- Advances in Research on Russian Business and Management
- Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment
- Constitutional Review
- International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
- Journal of African American History
- Journal of Mycology and Infection
- Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital
- Rock Music Studies
- Studies in Peoples History
- AIS Transactions on Replication Research
- Archivo de Arte Valenciano
- Comparative American Studies
- Contemporary Hypnosis and Integrative Therapy
- Emotions and States of Mind in East Asia
- Estudios Irlandeses
- International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies
- Interstices Journal of Architecture and Related Arts
- Islamic Studies
- Janus. Estudios Sobre El Siglo De Oro
- Journal of Organizational Behavior Education
- Medicina Cutanea Ibero-Latino-Americana
- Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal
- Carnets
- Environmental Engineering(Lithuania)
- Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics
- Fyodorov Journal of Ophthalmic Surgery
- Heranca - History, Heritage and Culture Journal
- Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine
- Research in Political Economy
- Romanian Journal of Rheumatology
- ArchiDOCT
- Communication, Culture and Change in Asia
- Flora Montiberica
- Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology
- Malaysian Journal of Music
- Metatheoria
- New Emirates Medical Journal
- Organ Transplantation
- Publishing History
- Recent Advances in Ophthalmology
- Review of International American Studies
- Tecnoscienza
- Temes de Disseny
- Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches Offentliches Recht und Volkerrecht
- Aboriginal history
- Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Clinical Medicine of China
- Cubic Journal
- Diplomatica
- Drugs and Clinic
- Francofonia
- Knihy a Dejiny
- Laboratory Diagnostics. Eastern Europe
- Literaturna Misal
- Margens
- Revista Colombiana de Nefrologia
- WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research
- Agenda Setting Journal
- Cardiovascular Medicine
- Diferents
- Emotions: History, Culture, Society
- ESP Across Cultures
- Gestion 2000
- Human Pathology Reports
- International Journal of Environmental Sciences(IND)
- Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion
- Lecturae Tropatorum
- Libri(Turkey)
- Linguistica Lettica
- Marine Corps History
- Medical Technologies. Assessment and Choice
- Notes Konserwatorski
- Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences
- Pensiero Economico Italiano
- Revista Geografica de Chile Terra Australis
- Revista Latinoamericana de Quimica
- Sjuttonhundratal
- Written Monuments of the Orient
- Advances in Austrian Economics
- Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal
- CIAN-Revista de Historia de las Universidades
- Connexe
- DGMK Tagungsbericht
- Ebre 38
- EBU Technical Review
- Ecological Chemistry and Engineering A
- E-Revista de Estudos Interculturais
- Esprit
- Estudios de Historia de Espana
- Facta
- Fuels and Lubes International
- Information, Medium, and Society
- Lizi Jiaohuan Yu Xifu/Ion Exchange and Adsorption
- New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies
- Performing Islam
- Polish Libraries
- Popular Music History
- Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
- Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems
- Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
- Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues
- Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata
- South African Museums Association Bulletin
- Studi Kantiani
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science(Netherlands)
- Acta Universitatis Carolinae Studia Territorialia
- Agri Centuriati
- Archivio Giuridico Filippo Serafini
- Archivo Teologico Granadino
- Boletin del Museo del Prado
- Bulgarian Journal of Psychiatry
- Canadian Review of American Studies
- Crossroads
- Dikaion
- Estudios de Deusto
- Film Studies
- Istanbul Tip Fakultesi Dergisi
- Journal of Army Medical University
- Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures
- Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
- Journal of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine(Turkey)
- Journal of Sound and Music in Games
- Kronos
- Logeion
- Performing Ethos
- Proceedings of the Annual ISA Analysis Division Symposium
- Quaderni del '900
- Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers
- Rivista di Archeologia
- Rocznik Przekladoznawczy
- Sanat Tarihi Yilligi
- Studies in World Literature
- Unitex
- Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
- Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica
- AIChE, Ammonia Plant Safty and Related Facilities v12 (CEP Tech Manual)
- Americania
- Anales de Filologia Francesa
- Ars Interpretandi
- ASp
- Bamboo and Silk
- Bulletin de l'Ordre des médecins
- Celestinesca
- Convivium (Poland)
- Cooperativismo e Economia Social
- Cuadernos de investigacion historica
- Direito, Estado e Sociedade
- English Scholarship Beyond Borders
- Estudis de Literatura Oral Popular
- Exploration and Research for Atomic Minerals
- Fontes Artis Musicae
- Forum for Linguistic Studies
- Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature
- Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- International Review of African American Art
- Italia Contemporanea
- Italian Review of Legal History
- Itineraria
- Journal of Early Modern Christianity
- Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education
- Journal of Thermoelectricity
- Journal of Validation Technology
- La Palabra
- Law of Justice Journal
- Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch
- LUMS Law Journal
- Materia
- Medecine de la Reproduction
- Moderna
- Nottingham Medieval Studies
- Parthica
- Philosophy Kitchen
- Prace Slawistyczne. Slavica
- Resources for American Literary Study
- Revista del Hospital Psiquiatrico de la Habana
- Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social
- Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo y Economia Social
- Revista Euphrosyne
- Rivista di Letteratura Storiografica Italiana
- Rivista Italiana di Storia Internazionale
- Rocznik Teologiczny
- Sante Mentale et Droit
- Scriptorium
- Seicento e Settecento
- Sociedad Espanola de Estudios Renacentistas Ingleses
- Studies in the History of Philosophy
- Sulla Via del Catai
- Technai
- Theatre History Studies
- Tijdschrift voor Theologie
- Topos
- VDE Fachberichte
- Venezia Arti
- Waiguo Yuyan yu Wenhua
- Yillik: Annual of Istanbul Studies
- Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica
- Anales de Historia del Arte
- Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal
- Balkanistica
- Europe
- Filolog (Banja Luka)
- Fronteiras(Brazil)
- Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies
- Itinera
- Journal of Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology
- Keats-Shelley Journal
- Pakistan Textile Journal
- Pravnehistoricke Studie
- Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
- Record of Conference Papers - Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference
- Romanica Wratislaviensia
- Studia Gilsoniana
- TR News
- Turkiyat Mecmuasi
- Acta Agrestia Sinica
- Advances and technical standards in neurosurgery
- Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models
- Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal
- Advances in Textiles Technology
- AGU Advances
- Ambulatornaya Khirurgiya
- Anales de la Facultad de Medicina
- Animal Production Research
- Antigonish Review
- Applied Chemical Engineering
- Asian Review of Financial Research
- Australian Journal of Asian Law
- Baltic Worlds
- Barcelona Research Art Creation
- Behavioural Public Policy
- Biomaterials Advances
- Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts
- Blockchain in Healthcare Today
- Bulletin of Botanical Research
- Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Business Management
- Campus Virtuales
- Children: Global Posthumanist Perspectives and Materialist Theories
- Child's Health
- China Biotechnology
- China Safety Science Journal
- Chinese Journal of Nursing Education
- Chinese Medical Ethics
- Communication and Democracy
- Computational Methods for Differential Equations
- Cuadernos de historia moderna
- Cultural Studies and Transdisciplinarity in Education
- Culturales
- Decision Analytics Journal
- E and G Quaternary Science Journal
- Economia, Sociedad y Territorio
- Economic Affairs (New Delhi)
- Ecosystem Transformation
- Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine
- Electric Power Engineering Technology
- Endowment Studies
- Enfermeria clinica (English Edition)
- Environmental Footprints and Eco-Design of Products and Processes
- European Review of Contract Law
- Extreme Medicine
- Finance and Society
- Food Additives and Contaminants
- Food Science and Applied Biotechnology
- Forum Philosophicum
- Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders
- Haut
- Health and Social Care Delivery Research
- Hegel Bulletin
- History of Mechanism and Machine Science
- Human Gene
- Indian Journal of Law and Justice
- InDret
- International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE
- International Journal of Agricultural Extension
- International Journal of Applied Economics, Finance and Accounting
- International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing
- International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research
- Investigacion en Educacion Medica
- IUCrData
- Journal for Religion, Film and Media
- Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, Supplement
- Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching
- Journal of Associated Medical Sciences
- Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture
- Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
- Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology
- Journal of Medical Education Development
- Journal of Mining Science and Technology
- Journal of Open Humanities Data
- Journal of Physical Therapy Education
- Journal of Research Development in Nursing and Midwifery
- Journal of Research in Clinical Medicine
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2
- Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes
- Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity
- Korean Journal of Research in Music Education
- Lex Scientia Law Review
- Machine Intelligence Research
- Medical Journal of Babylon
- Micro and Nanostructures
- Neurointervention
- NTP Technical Report on the Toxicity Studies Series
- Observational Studies
- Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
- Pakistan Journal of Criminology
- Petroleum Science Bulletin
- Pharmacien Clinicien
- Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations
- Platform
- Power Generation Technology
- Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS
- Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B
- Proceedings of the IEEE/CPMT International Electronics Manufacturing Technology (IEMT) Symposium
- Public Procurement Law Review
- Reabilitacijos Mokslai: Slauga, Kineziterapija, Ergoterapija
- Res Militaris
- Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research
- Revista de Investigacion e Innovacion en Ciencias de la Salud
- Revue Francophone d'Orthoptie
- Rheumatology and Autoimmunity
- Rossijskij Osteopaticeskij Zurnal
- Science for Education Today
- SERIES: International Journal of TV Serial Narratives
- Sever i Rynok: Formirovanie Ekonomiceskogo Poradka
- Societies and Political Orders in Transition
- Solov'evskie Issledovania
- Southeast of Now
- Statistics, Politics and Policy
- Suvannabhumi: Multidisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
- Systems and Soft Computing
- Translational Issues in Psychological Science
- Tunnel Construction
- Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance
- Verfassung und Recht in Ubersee/Law and Politics in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- Visnyk Universitetu Imeni Alfreda Nobelya. Seriya: Filologichni Nauki
- Water Biology and Security
- Wittgenstein-Studien
- World Cancer Research Journal
- Worldwide Waste
- WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer
- Yearbook of Comparative Literature
- Zhongguo Dianli/Electric Power
- Studies in the History of Christian Traditions
- International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
- Corrosion Communications
- Engineering Reports
- Revista de Gestao
- Transportation Research Procedia
- Physics (Switzerland)
- Radiation Medicine and Protection
- Results in Optics
- International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management
- Progress in Microbes and Molecular Biology
- Small Enterprise Research
- IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems
- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology
- Journal of Asia TEFL
- Upstream Oil and Gas Technology
- Journal of Second Language Studies
- Geoscience Communication
- Food Hydrocolloids for Health
- International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training
- Asia-Pacific Science Education
- Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration
- ACS Bio and Med Chem Au
- Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
- Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise
- Software Impacts
- International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
- Telemedicine Reports
- International Journal of Neutrosophic Science
- Proceedings - International Symposium on Computers and Communications
- Chemistry (Switzerland)
- Innovation and Management Review
- A e C - Revista de Direito Administrativo e Constitucional
- Journal of Social Computing
- Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection
- Neofilolog
- Proceedings of the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium
- Reproduction and Fertility
- Audiology Research
- Continuity in Education
- Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine
- Phytomedicine Plus
- Proceedings - IEEE Military Communications Conference
- Results in Control and Optimization
- Permanente journal,The
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology
- Arthaniti: Journal of Economic Theory and Practice
- Nutrition and Metabolic Insights
- Proceedings of the International Symposium on Physical Design
- Sexual Health and Compulsivity
- New England Journal of Entrepreneurship
- New Voices in Translation Studies
- Journal of Caring Sciences
- F and S Science
- Missouri Medicine
- Public Administration and Policy
- Journal of the ASABE
- African Journal of Thoracic and Critical Care Medicine
- Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Science and Technology for Energy Transition (STET)
- AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings
- Androgens
- International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology
- Journal of Sustainability Research
- Global Cardiology Science and Practice
- Nordic Journal of Nursing Research
- Recent Advances in Drug Delivery and Formulation
- Blood Science
- Journal of Nonlinear Modeling and Analysis
- Learning Disabilities
- Arthroplasty
- Cognitive Computation and Systems
- European Journal of STEM Education
- Information Geometry
- World Water Policy
- Applied Food Research
- Journal of Medical Artificial Intelligence
- Marine Ornithology
- Clinical Infection in Practice
- Journal of Information Literacy
- Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems
- Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society
- Lithologic Reservoirs
- Vegetation Classification and Survey
- Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry
- Surgery Open Science
- China International Strategy Review
- Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
- Revista Eurolatinoamericana de Derecho Administrativo
- IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology
- Smart Agriculture
- Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine
- Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
- Pan African Medical Journal
- Chemical Physics Impact
- JALT CALL Journal
- Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling
- Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering
- Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society
- North American Spine Society Journal
- Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
- Endocrine and Metabolic Science
- Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control
- Asian Pacific Journal of Social Work
- Automotive Experiences
- EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems
- Proceedings of the Asian Test Symposium
- Hattoria
- AAS Open Research
- Oil Crop Science
- Current Pediatrics Reports
- Gornaya Promyshlennost
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- Electronic Research Archive
- International Marine Energy Journal
- Journal of Medical Robotics Research
- Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory
- Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica
- AJOG Global Reports
- Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial
- Nursing standard : official newspaper of the Royal College of Nursing
- Infectious Microbes and Diseases
- Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic
- European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity
- Ius Ecclesiae
- Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior
- Dianli Jianshe/Electric Power Construction
- Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering
- European Oral Research
- Energy Storage
- Media Practice and Education
- Proceedings - IEEE Computer Society's International Computer Software and Applications Conference
- Public Anthropologist
- Spanish Journal of Soil Science
- Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs
- Advanced Control for Applications: Engineering and Industrial Systems
- International Journal of Taiwan Studies
- Acta Epileptologica
- Journal of Geo-Information Science
- Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine
- Journal of Second Language Pronunciation
- Revista General de Derecho Administrativo
- International Journal of Crowd Science
- Nordic Social Work Research
- International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science
- Zanry Reci
- Asian Journal of Business Research
- Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
- Electrical Contacts, Proceedings of the Annual Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts
- Environmental Economics
- JTCVS Open
- European Journal for Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy
- IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference, Proceedings
- Intelligent Medicine
- Natural Sciences Education
- AACE Clinical Case Reports
- Proceedings - SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
- British and Irish Orthoptic Journal
- Cancer Research, Statistics, and Treatment
- Turkish Archives of Pediatrics
- Dusunen Adam - The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences
- Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems
- International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process
- Journal of Applied Youth Studies
- Museum and Society
- Confluentes Mathematici
- IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine
- Asian Transport Studies
- Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology
- Journal of Autoethnography
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- Ciudad y Territorio Estudios Territoriales
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- Nawpa Pacha
- International Studies
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- Thrombosis Update
- Innovation Journal
- Journal of Childhood, Education and Society
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- Geofizica
- Starinar
- Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations
- Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment
- International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives
- Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies
- Journal of Historical Syntax
- Waste Disposal and Sustainable Energy
- Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
- Maternal-Fetal Medicine
- Numeracy
- Russian Peasant Studies
- Index.comunicacion
- Bioactive Compounds in Health and Disease
- Frontiers in Dentistry
- Mongolian Studies
- Yingyong Jichu yu Gongcheng Kexue Xuebao/Journal of Basic Science and Engineering
- All Earth
- Anesthesia Reports
- Hellenic Journal of Psychology
- Intangible Capital
- International Journal of Economic Policy Studies
- Membranes and Membrane Technologies
- Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion Psicologica
- Clinical Trials in Dentistry
- International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Journal of Cinema and Media Studies
- Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting
- Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming
- Inra Productions Animales
- Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems
- Nanomedicine Journal
- Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications
- Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research
- Retos(Ecuador)
- Rivista di Storia Economica
- Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. Ekonomika
- European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine
- Journal of Risk and Financial Management
- Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
- International Ocean Discovery Program: Preliminary Reports
- Integers
- International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
- Proceedings of the Information Visualization Conference
- International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications
- International Journal of Language Studies
- Southern African Humanities
- Fuzzy Information and Engineering
- IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin
- Analytical Methods in Environmental Chemistry Journal
- Indian Dermatology Online Journal
- Ecology and Control of Vector-Borne Diseases
- Geoloski Anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva
- Vascular and Endovascular Review
- Eurasian Chemical Communications
- Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance
- Milli Egitim
- SAE International Journal of Passenger Vehicle Systems
- CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing
- Geotechnical Special Publication
- International Journal of Information and Education Technology
- Case Reports in Immunology
- Contrastive Pragmatics
- Agua y Territorio
- Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications
- Modern Rheumatology Case Reports
- Povolzhskii Ekologicheskii Zhurnal
- Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta
- MM Science Journal
- Asian Journal of Business Ethics
- Graphics and Visual Computing
- Journal of Modern Project Management
- Space Science and Technology
- Burns Open
- Chronobiology in Medicine
- Biomedical Photonics
- Botanikai Kozlemenyek
- Food Research
- Journal of Air Pollution and Health
- Kitaibelia
- Geographia Technica
- Pharos Journal of Theology
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE
- International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research
- Arid Land Geography
- International Conference on ICT Convergence
- Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society
- Journal of World Languages
- Materials Performance and Characterization
- Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series III: Mathematics and Computer Science
- Heritage and Sustainable Development
- International Journal of Cyber Criminology
- Kriminologie
- Review of Marketing Research
- South African Journal of Sports Medicine
- Ecology and Industry of Russia
- US Geological Survey Circular
- Ocean Yearbook Online
- Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
- Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
- Vessel Plus
- International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education
- Journal of the Chinese Society of Corrosion and Protection
- Strata
- Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis
- IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON
- Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech
- Critical Care Explorations
- European Journal of Family Business
- Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies
- Proceedings of IEEE Sensors
- International Journal of Microsimulation
- Obrabotka Metallov
- Humanistic Management Journal
- Nanomaterials and Energy
- Organic Communications
- Atti della Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Memorie Serie B
- Estudios de Cultura Nahuatl
- Journal of Beta Investment Strategies
- Vegueta
- Proceedings of the Annual Offshore Technology Conference
- LHB: Hydroscience Journal
- Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE
- Research in Political Sociology
- European Journal of Humour Research
- FWU Journal of Social Sciences
- Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
- Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
- International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems
- Textile and Leather Review
- Canrea Journal: Food Technology, Nutritions, and Culinary Journal
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP
- Dialogue and Discourse
- Asphalt Paving Technology: Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists-Proceedings of the Technical Sessions
- Bulletin of Geophysics and Oceanography
- English Teaching(South Korea)
- Larhyss Journal
- Operations Research Forum
- Tunisie Medicale
- JMIR Dermatology
- Computing in Cardiology
- EUREKA, Physics and Engineering
- Juridicas CUC
- Sexuality, Gender and Policy
- Via Inveniendi et Iudicandi
- Anais do Museu Paulista
- Fisheries and Aquatic Life
- Sophia(Ecuador)
- Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights
- ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
- Population Medicine
- Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
- Biomath
- Boletin de la Academia Peruana de la Lengua
- Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Eurasian Journal of Medicine and Oncology
- International Journal of Analysis and Applications
- International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology
- International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering
- SPE International Oilfield Chemistry Symposium Proceedings
- Statisztikai Szemle
- Insurance Markets and Companies
- Political Power and Social Theory
- Central Eurasia Studies
- Journal of Cerebrovascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery
- Journal of Law and Sustainable Development
- Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribena
- Integrative Systematics
- International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP
- Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics
- International Journal of Spa and Wellness
- Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research
- International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy
- Komp'juternaja Lingvistika i Intellektual'nye Tehnologii
- Nafta - Gaz
- CEUR Workshop Proceedings
- International Journal of Environmental Science and Development
- Journal of Deep Space Exploration
- Annals of Applied Sport Science
- International Real Estate Review
- Substantia
- Canadian Ethnic Studies/Etudes Ethniques au Canada
- International Journal of Social Quality(United States)
- Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences
- Proceedings - Graphics Interface
- Advances in Laboratory Medicine
- Economic Anthropology
- International Journal of Multiphysics
- Iranian Journal of Botany
- Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering
- Journal of Library Science in China
- Knowledge and Performance Management
- Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics
- Rossijskij Psihiatriceskij Zurnal
- Engineering Project Organization Journal
- Journal of Advances in Information Fusion
- Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos sobre Reduccion del Riesgo de Desastres
- Science of Soil and Water Conservation
- Gaoya Wuli Xuebao/Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics
- Journal of Biomedical Photonics and Engineering
- Journal of Medicinal Plants
- Kuste
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- Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design
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- Journal of Clinical Pediatric Surgery
- Journal of Computer Science and Technology(Argentina)
- Finance
- Journal of Education (South Africa)
- Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
- Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques
- Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation
- Journal of Food Science and Technology (Iran)
- Journal of Forestry Engineering
- Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi)
- Journal of Health and Social Sciences
- Journal of Hand and Microsurgery
- Journal of Green Engineering
- Journal of Health Literacy
- Journal of Health Sciences and Surveillance System
- Journal of Image and Graphics(United Kingdom)
- Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy
- Journal of International Special Needs Education
- Journal of Information Technology Education: Discussion Cases
- Journal of Language and Discrimination
- Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues
- Journal of Liberty and International Affairs
- Journal of Management Information and Decision Science
- Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science
- Journal of Mathematical Control Science and Applications
- Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments
- Journal of Medicinal Plants for Economic Development
- Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Sciences Edition)
- Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
- Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology
- Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences
- Journal of Perinatal Education
- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production
- Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing
- Journal of Population Ageing
- Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases
- Journal of Public Health and Emergency
- Journal of Psychosocial Studies
- Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment
- Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences and Research
- Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics
- Journal of Somaesthetics
- Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education
- Journal of Systems Science and Information
- Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies
- Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
- Journal of Third Military Medical University
- Journal of Xiangya Medicine
- Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia
- Juridical Tribune
- Kantian Journal
- Kliniceskaa Mikrobiologia i Antimikrobnaa Himioterapia
- Lancet Regional Health - Europe, The
- Language, Discourse and Society
- Language Teaching Research Quarterly
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Lecture Notes in Bioengineering
- Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies
- Legal History Library
- LEOS Summer Topical Meeting
- Lexis - Journal in English Lexicology
- Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature
- Linguistik Aktuell
- Makara Journal of Science
- Materials Protection
- Meat Technology
- Mediastinum
- Medicni Perspektivi
- Melanoma Management
- Mental Health Clinician
- mHealth
- Microphysiological Systems
- Minerva Biotechnology and Biomolecular Research
- Minerva Endocrinology
- Minerva Gastroenterology
- Minerva Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Minerva Orthopedics
- Minerva Surgery
- Modern trends in psychiatry
- Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
- Monumenta Graeca et Romana
- Multimodal Communication
- Musicologist
- Nanobiotechnology Reports
- National Journal of Clinical Anatomy
- Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils
- National Journal of Community Medicine
- Neizvestnyi Dostoevskii
- Nephrology (Saint-Petersburg)
- New Directions in Book History
- Nizhnevolzhskiy Arkheologicheskiy Vestnik
- Notulae Scientia Biologicae
- Nordic Journal of Architectural Research
- Novaya i Novejshaya Istoriya
- NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- OBM Neurobiology
- Paediatrics Eastern Europe
- Oceans Conference Record (IEEE)
- Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research
- Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
- Palabra
- Paper and Biomaterials
- Patristica et Mediaevalia
- Pedagogy
- Pelviperineology
- Pestology
- Pharma-Kritik
- Plan Canada
- Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
- Plasma Physics and Technology
- Plasmatology
- Pollution Research
- Potestas
- Pravnik
- Prawo i Wiez
- Problems of the Regional Energetics
- Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
- Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series
- Public and Municipal Finance
- Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Linguistics
- Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy
- Recreational Sports Journal
- Reference Series in Phytochemistry
- Religions in the Graeco-Roman World
- Remittances Review
- Research Journal of Pharmacognosy
- Revista Argentina de Cirugia(Argentina)
- Revista Bioetica
- Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plastica
- Revista clí
- Revista Colombiana de Cirugia
- Revista Cuidarte
- Revista de Biologia Neotropical / Journal of Neotropical Biology
- Revista de Direito
- Revista de Educacion y Derecho
- Revista de Medicina y Cine
- Revista Electronica de Ciencia Penal y Criminologia
- Revista Electronica de Estudios Internacionales
- Revista Espanola de Investigacion Criminologica
- Revista Iberoamericana de Viticultura Agroindustria y Ruralidad
- Revista Opiniao Juridica
- Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine Veterinaire des Pays Tropicaux
- RUDN Journal of Philosophy
- Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine
- Russian Journal of Evidence-Based Gastroenterology
- Russian Journal of Pain
- Russkaya Rech
- Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis
- Science and Technologies: Oil and Oil Products Pipeline Transportation
- Science and Technology Indonesia
- Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology
- Siberian Medical Review
- Baltic Accent
- Sinergie
- SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics
- Societes et Representations
- Soudobe Dejiny
- Spatial Economics
- South Asian Review
- Studia Semiotyczne
- Studia Heideggeriana
- Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Economics Series
- Studien zur Deutschen Sprache und Literatur
- Studies in Bilingualism
- Surface Technology
- Taikomoji Kalbotyra
- Talia Dixit
- Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
- Topological Algebra and its Applications
- Transfer(Spain)
- Transformation in Higher Education
- Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration
- Transplantation and Cellular Therapy
- Trends in Immunotherapy
- Trends in Phytochemical Research
- Tromboz, Gemostaz i Reologiya
- Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal
- Ukrainian Journal of Nephrology and Dialysis
- Ultimate Reality and Meaning
- USGS Scientific Investigations Report
- University of Western Australia Law Review
- Verba Theologica
- Vestnik RUDN. International Relations
- Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. Pravo
- Vestnik Sovremennoi Klinicheskoi Mediciny
- Virchows Archiv fur pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fur klinische Medizin
- Water Reuse
- World Economics
- World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics
- World Journal of Experimental Medicine
- World Journal of Transplantation
- WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
- WSEAS Transactions on Electronics
- WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications
- WSEAS Transactions on Systems
- Z Badan nad Ksiazka i Ksiegozbiorami Historycznymi
- Biuletyn Polskiej Misji Historycznej
- Boletim de Estudos Classicos
- Bollettino Filosofico
- Bollettino Storico - Bibliografico Subalpino
- Book History
- Bulletin de liaison des membres de la Societe de geographie
- Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris
- Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale
- Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
- Byzantinoslavica
- Cahiers Critiques de Therapie Familiale et de Pratiques de Reseaux
- Cahiers de Linguistique
- Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies
- Casopis Matice moravske (1968)
- Celulosa Y Papel
- Chateau Gaillard
- China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases
- China's Refractories
- China Textile and Apparel
- Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology
- Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery
- Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery
- Chinese Journal of Urology
- Claridades
- Clavier Companion
- Clothing Cultures
- Comitatus
- Comparative Literature: East and West
- Comprendre
- Con A de Animacion
- Consultant
- Contexto
- CounterText
- Cracow Indological Studies
- Contratexto
- Critical Studies in German Idealism
- Cuadernos LIRICO
- Cuadernos de Musica Iberoamericana
- Cultura
- Dance Chronicle
- Dance Research
- Danza e Ricerca
- Design Engineering (Toronto)
- Diasporas
- Discipline Filosofiche
- Drapers
- eb - Elektrische Bahnen
- ECN Electronic Component News
- Economia Chilena
- Eikon Imago
- Ekphrasis
- Electronic Design
- Endoscopic Forum for Digestive Disease
- Engineer
- Engineered Systems
- Enrahonar
- ENR (Engineering News-Record)
- Environmental Law and Management
- Environmental Forum
- Ephemerides Liturgicae
- Epites-Epiteszettudomany
- Ernahrung
- ES Review
- Estonian Discussions on Economic Policy
- Estreno
- Existentia
- Ethical Thought
- Expressions Maghrebines
- Eye - International Review of Graphic Design
- Filologia Mediolatina
- Fonetica si Dialectologie
- Forma y Funcion
- Forum Modernes Theater
- Indian Silk
- Infini
- International Arbitration Law Review
- International Dyer and Finisher
- Internationale Politik
- International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation
- International Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies
- International Journal of Design in Society
- International Paperworld IPW
- International Review of Allergology and Clinical Immunology in Family Medicine
- International Water Power and Dam Construction
- IRYO - Japanese Journal of National Medical Services
- Italian Culture
- Italienisch
- ITU News
- Jahrbuch fuer Geschichte Lateinamerikas/Anuario de Historia de Amrica Latina
- Japanese Journal of Clinical Chemistry
- Jazz Perspectives
- JEC Composites Magazine
- JFE Technical Report
- Journal de Medecine Legale Droit Medical
- Journal for the History of Modern Theology
- Journal fur Pharmakologie und Therapie
- Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology
- Frontiers of Literary Studies in China
- Fruhmittelalterliche Studien
- Gerion
- German Historical Institute London Bulletin
- Gestalt
- Giornale Italiano di Ostetricia e Ginecologia
- Gradiva
- GMP Review
- Gynakologische Praxis
- Head and Neck Russian Journal
- Histoire Medievale et Archeologie
- Historia et Ius
- Historia, Instituciones, Documentos
- Hokkaido Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
- Hong Kong journal of Social Sciences
- IAFOR Journal of Literature and Librarianship
- Impact of Empire
- In_Bo
- Journal of Applied Cosmetology
- Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, The
- Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry
- Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture
- Journal of Contemporary Painting
- Journal of Health, Safety and Environment
- Journal of Iberian Women Writers
- Journal of Modern Chinese History
- Journal of Nara Medical Association
- Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Cancer Research
- Journal of Song-Yuan Studies
- Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Engineering
- Journal of the Japan Diabetes Society
- Journal of the Japan Epilepsy Society
- Journal of the Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses
- Journal of the Medical Society of Toho University
- Journal of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers
- Journal of Tokyo Medical University
- Journal on Asian Linguistic Anthropology
- Kardiotechnik
- Keria
- Kinoshi Kenkyu Kaishi/Annals of the High Performance Paper Society, Japan
- KNOB Bulletin
- Krankenhaushygiene und Infektionsverhutung
- KulturPoetik
- Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts - Romische Abteilung
- Moving Image Review and Art Journal
- Motor Ship
- Moyen Age
- Moyen Francais
- MPT Metallurgical Plant and Technology International
- Music in Art
- Musikforschung
- MusikTheorie
- Musik und Kirche
- Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek
- Nevtani Ertesito
- Neonatal intensive care : the journal of perinatology-neonatology
- New Mexico Historical Review
- Nordisk Judaistik
- Nuclear Plant Journal
- OECD observer. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, The
- Opera
- Orbis Idearum
- Langage et l'Homme
- Lebenswelt
- Letteratura e Letterature
- Leuvense Bijdragen
- Lied und Populare Kultur
- Lietuvos Muzikologija
- Lingua Nostra
- Lingua e Stile
- Linguistique Balkanique
- Literary Journalism Studies
- Literatura
- Machinery and Production Engineering
- Makslas Vesture un Teorija
- Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine
- Maritime by Holland
- Medecine Therapeutique
- Metal Casting Design and Purchasing
- Metodo
- Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin
- Middle Eastern Literatures
- Miedzy Oryginalem a Przekladem
- Ordines Militares
- Ortho Magazine
- Packaging News
- Palaeobulgarica
- Palimpsest
- Paper360
- Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
- Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature
- Parlement[s]
- Perspective infirmie
- Pharmaceutisch Weekblad
- Philomusica
- Poland's Demographic Past
- Polemos
- Polymers Paint Colour Journal
- Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo
- Practice Nurse
- Practica Otologica, Supplement
- Preservation
- Praksis
- Prospettiva
- Psychologie Clinique et Projective
- Prudentia Iuris
- Psychoterapie
- Quaker Studies
- Publicum
- Quebec Studies
- Rassegna della Letteratura Italiana
- Recherches Germaniques
- Recta
- Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique
- Review of High Pressure Science and Technology/Koatsuryoku No Kagaku To Gijutsu
- Revista Aequitas
- Revista de Estudos Criminais
- Revista Hispanica Moderna
- Revue de la Histoire des Religions
- Revue de Philologie de Litterature et d Histoire Anciennes
- Revue d'Ethique et de Theologie Morale
- Revue des Etudes Sud-Est Europeennes
- Revue d Etudes Augustiniennes et Patristiques
- Revue Francaise d'Ethique Appliquee
- Revue Juridique de l'USEK
- RiCognizioni
- Revue Philosophique de la France et de La Etranger
- Rivista di storia del cristianesimo
- Rivista del Diritto della Navigazione
- Roczniki Naukowe Zootechniki
- Rivista Italiana della Saldatura
- RomanoArabica
- Russian Studies in Literature
- Santander, Estudios de Patrimonio
- Sales and Marketing Management
- Science for Conservation
- Savoirs et Clinique
- Sino-Christian Studies
- Shidnij Svit
- Skin Research
- Sixties, The
- Slavic and East European Information Resources
- Slovansky prehled
- Sociological Theory and Methods
- Spore
- Sport and Exercise Medicine Switzerland Journal
- Sportswear International
- Stilistica e Metrica Italiana
- Strategic Survey
- Studia Philosophica
- Studia Theodisca
- Studi Danteschi
- Studia Universitatis Cibiniensis, Series Historica
- Studi e Problemi di Critica Testuale
- Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions
- Studies in the History of Political Thought
- Svet Literatury
- Sulzer Technical Review
- SWE Magazine
- Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies
- Tamkang Review
- Temps Modernes
- Textile View2 Magazine
- Textile World
- Theleme
- Theologische Quartalschrift
- ThyssenKrupp techforum
- Tirant
- Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society
- Trends in Classics
- Triquarterly
- Tunnels and Tunnelling International
- Ukrainian Journal of Radiology and Oncology
- Urology Times
- Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta Vostokovedenie i Afrikanistika
- West Bohemian Historical Review
- Victorian Historical Journal
- World Scientific Studies in International Economics
- World Sports Activewear
- Zbornik Matice Srpske za Slavistiku
- Zeithistorische Forschungen
- Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, Germanistische Abteilung
- Zgodovina za Vse
- Zeitschrift fur Historische Forschung
- Zograf
- ABA Journal
- Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis
- Africa Yearbook
- Air Force Magazine
- Akzente
- Allgemeine Zeitschrift fur Philosophie
- Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
- Annales de Bourgogne
- Annee Balzacienne
- Antioch Review, The
- Archaologie der Schweiz
- Architectural Digest
- Architecture d'Aujourd Hui
- Arte Cristiana
- ARTnews
- Asian Dyer
- Asian Textile Journal
- Automotive Industries AI
- Avant Scene Opera
- Aviation Week and Space Technology
- Bibel und Kirche
- Bruniana e Campanelliana
- Bulletin de Litterature Ecclesiastique
- Cadernos de Linguagem e Sociedade
- Cahiers du Musee National d'Art Moderne
- Canadian Packaging
- Catholica
- Cesky Casopis Historicky
- Ceska Literatura
- Chinese Law and Government
- Chinese Studies in History
- Cineforum
- Chirurgische Praxis
- Circular Farmaceutica
- Cleanroom Technology
- Coloquio-Letras
- Clio: Histoire, Femmes et Societes
- Colourage
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- Connaissance des Arts
- Contradictions
- Control
- Convivium (Czech Republic)
- Critique (France)
- Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos
- Cutting Tool Engineering
- Czas Kultury
- Dairy Industries International
- Dalhousie Review
- Dance Magazine
- Dancing Times
- Das Argument
- Degres
- Dix-Septieme Siecle
- Drug Delivery System
- Du: Zeitschrift Der Kultur
- Eau, l'INDUSTRIE, les Nuisances
- EBR - European Biopharmaceutical Review
- EC and M: Electrical Construction and Maintenance
- Economist
- Ela
- Electronic Products
- EngineerIT
- Erosion Control
- Ethnographia
- Etudes Germaniques
- Euroheat and Power/Fernwarme International
- European Drama and Performance Studies
- Evangelische Theologie
- Explicator
- Figures de la Psychanalyse
- Flexo
- Forum Stadt
- Gas Wasserfach Wasser Abwasser
- Gazette des Archives
- GEO: connexion
- Geodezia es Kartografia
- Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana
- Giornale Italiano di Endoscopia Digestiva
- gis.Business
- Glass International
- Goethe Jahrbuch
- Graphic Arts Monthly
- Hali
- Hart's E and P
- Hegel-Jahrbuch
- Henoch
- Hematologia
- Highways
- Hispamerica
- Homme (Germany)
- Historia (France)
- Hospital Infection Control and Prevention
- IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science
- Human Rights
- Imaginaire et Inconscient
- Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology
- Indexer
- Integrative Medicine Alert
- International Lawyer
- International Paper Board Industry
- IoTex
- IRBM News
- James Joyce Quarterly
- Japanese Journal of Clinical Urology
- Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
- Journal des Professionnels de l'Enfance
- Jewish Culture and History
- Japanese Journal of Plastic Surgery
- Journal du Textile
- Journal fur Anasthesie und Intensivbehandlung
- Journal of Managed Care Medicine
- Journal of Philosophy ARHE
- Kardiologicka Revue
- Knitting International
- Konteksty
- Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
- Lettres Romanes
- Literatura: Teoria, Historia, Critica
- Literatur und Kritik
- Lotus International
- Louvain Studies
- Machado de Assis em Linha
- Manufacturing Chemist
- Medecins - Le Magazine Ordre National Des Medecins
- Melliand International
- MSW Management
- Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik
- New Electronics
- New Design
- Nishinihon Journal of Urology
- Nouvelle Revue Francaise
- Oeil
- Offshore Engineering
- Olhydraulik und Penumatik
- Option/Bio
- Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (Tokyo)
- Ottoman Empire and its Heritage
- Package Printing
- Padiatrische Praxis
- Pallas
- Pamietnik Literacki
- Parole de l'Orient
- P.A. Persona e Amministrazione
- Pensee
- Pediatriya
- Petroleum Economist
- Perspective (France)
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packing Sourcer
- Pharmacy Times
- Pharmazeutische Zeitung
- Plant Engineering
- Philosophie
- Poetique
- Positif
- Print and Promo
- Printing Impressions
- Printwear
- Progres en Urologie - FMC
- Przeglad Rusycystyczny
- Quebec Journal of International Law
- Radix
- Rentgenologiya i Radiologiya
- Resource Recycling
- Restaurant Business
- Review - Literature and Arts of the Americas
- Revisiones en Cancer
- Revue de l'Art
- Revue des Musees de France
- Revue des Sciences Humaines
- Revue Italienne d'Etudes Francaises
- Revue Internationale de Philosophie
- Revue Thomiste
- Rinascimento
- Schweizer Zeitschrift fur Gynakologie
- Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate
- Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa
- Screen Printing
- Scope
- Sight and Sound
- Sculpture Review
- Silicon Semiconductor
- Sinn und Form
- Strumenti Critici
- Slovo a Smysl
- Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica
- Studia Ceranea
- Studi Storici
- Studi di Estetica
- Tagliche Praxis
- Taiwan Review
- Tanz
- Technical Textiles International
- Technische Sicherheit
- Teikyo Medical Journal
- Textile Outlook International
- Textile Network
- Textile Rental
- Textiles Panamericanos
- Textile View Magazine
- Textil-Revue
- TextilWirtschaft
- Text und Kritik
- Theaterheute
- Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
- Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis
- TLS - The Times Literary Supplement
- Topoi (Brazil)
- Twist
- Vertiflite
- Veredas
- Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements
- Water and Wastes Digest
- Water, Sewage and Effluent
- Westerly
- Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung
- Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal
- Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal
- Academy of Strategic Management Journal
- Accounting
- ACS Agricultural Science and Technology
- Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica
- Acta Linguistica Lithuanica
- Central Asia and the Caucasus
- Central and Eastern European Migration Review
- Chelovek
- China Surfactant Detergent and Cosmetics
- Chinese Journal of Anatomy and Clinics
- Chinese Journal of Digestive Endoscopy
- Chinese Journal of Endocrine Surgery
- Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing
- Chinese Journal of Microsurgery
- Chinese Journal of Psychiatry
- Chinese Journal on Internet of Things
- Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal
- Clean Coal Technology
- Climate Change Research
- Clinical Hypertension
- Clinical Nutrition Open Science
- Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine
- Commentaria Classica
- Comparative Legilinguistics
- Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference
- Contemporary Southeastern Europe
- Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review
- Critical Stages
- Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueologia de la Universidad de Granada
- Cuadernos Medievales
- Dante e l'Arte
- Current Protocols
- Detskie Chtenia
- Developments in Ophthalmology
- Diaspora
- Digests of the Intermag Conference
- EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems
- Discover Oncology
- Drug Invention Today
- Earozoru Kenkyu
- Revista de Ciencias del Deporte
- Ecocycles
- Ecological Engineering and Environmental Technology
- Ecology, Economy and Society
- Economic Alternatives
- Education in Medicine Journal
- Acta Medica Lituanica
- Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae
- Advanced Mathematical Models and Applications
- Acta Scientiarum - Education
- Advances in Group Processes
- Advances in Management Accounting
- Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation
- Advances in Weed Science
- Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Agricultural Engineering
- Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah
- Allergy and Rhinology
- AME Medical Journal
- American Business Review
- Andes Pediatrica
- Ankara Medical Journal
- Annals of Blood
- Annals of Corporate Governance
- Annals of Joint
- Annals of Thyroid
- Aqua Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society
- Arab Journal of Forensic Sciences and Forensic Medicine
- Arteterapia
- Asian EFL Journal
- Asian Journal of Social Health and Behavior
- Asparkia
- AWWA Water Science
- Banko Janakari
- Biochemical and Cellular Archives
- Biological Theory
- Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation
- Biophysical Bulletin
- BioProducts Business
- BMC Genomic Data
- Breast Cancer Management
- Brazilian Journal of Operations and Production Management
- Bulletin of the Karaganda University Chemistry Series
- Business Ethics, Environment and Responsibility
- Cancer Treatment and Research
- Caspian Journal of Neurological Sciences
- Catedral Tomada
- Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
- Egyptian Pharmaceutical Journal(Egypt)
- Elementary Education Online
- En-Claves del Pensamiento
- Endodontology
- Endoscopic Surgery
- En la Espana Medieval
- Enquiry
- Ergebnisse der Physiologie Biologischen Chemie und Experimentellen Pharmakologie
- Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health
- Euroasian Entomological Journal
- Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics
- Eurobiotech Journal
- European Journal of Education and Psychology
- European Journal of Midwifery
- European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
- European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation
- European Review of Private Law
- Extracta Mathematicae
- Filosofiya Nauki i Tehniki
- Farmacja Polska
- Filosofiya. Zhurnal Vysshey Shkoly Ekonomiki
- Fisioterapia em Movimento
- Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - HIV
- Frontiers in Emergency Medicine
- Functional Differential Equations
- Fushe Yanjiu yu Fushe Gongyi Xuebao/Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Processing
- Geopolitics, History, and International Relations
- Geosfernye Issledovaniya
- Handbook of Industrial Organization
- Handbook of Numerical Analysis
- Health Biotechnology and Biopharma
- Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology
- Hellenic Journal of Radiology
- Hepatoma Research
- Himia, Fizika ta Tehnologia Poverhni
- Zeitschrift fur Herz-, Thorax- und Gefasschirurgie
- Advancing Microelectronics
- Architecture and Culture
- Art in America
- Campo Juridico
- Clinical and Experimental Morphology
- Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional
- Disegno
- Documenta et Instrumenta
- Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice
- Geographical Bulletin - Gamma Theta Upsilon
- Eos (Poland)
- Harvard Design Magazine
- Huaxue Gongcheng/Chemical Engineering
- International Journal of Diversity in Education
- InterEULawEast
- International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies
- Islamic Africa
- Issues in Language Studies
- Israel Economic Review
- Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship
- James Baldwin Review
- Journal of Health Administration
- Journal of Canadian Studies
- Journal of Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging
- Journal of Iranian Medical Council
- Journal of Popular Film and Television
- Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases
- Journal of Skyscape Archaeology
- Journal of Sufi Studies
- Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering
- Kyobu geka. The Japanese journal of thoracic surgery
- Journal of clinical otorhinolaryngology, head, and neck surgery
- LIT Literature Interpretation Theory
- Manusya
- Mexican Law Review
- Open Hypertension Journal
- Open Urology and Nephrology Journal
- Paediatrica Indonesiana
- Peace and Conflict Studies
- Polish Journal of Aesthetics
- RSC Polymer Chemistry Series
- Revista Mexicana de Anestesiologia
- Russian Neurological Journal
- Samuel Beckett Today - Aujourd hui
- Sportske Nauke i Zdravlje
- Teaching Artist Journal
- Transmodernity
- World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
- Xiandai Huagong/Modern Chemical Industry
- Zeitschrift fur Celtische Philologie
- Acotaciones
- Ad Limina
- Algebraic Structures and their Applications
- American Journal of Forensic Psychology
- ARYS. Antiguedad, Religiones y Sociedades
- Asian Cinema
- Autopsy and Case Reports
- Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology
- Chinese Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy
- Contributions to Economics
- Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatrics
- EEAG Report on the European Economy
- Counselling Psychology Review
- Espaces et Societes
- Herodote
- History of Retailing and Consumption
- International Journal of Environmental Sustainability
- International Journal of Community Diversity
- Journal of Bacteriology and Virology
- International Journal of Nuclear Security
- Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice
- Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences
- Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity
- Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association
- Keikinzoku Yosetsu/Journal of Light Metal Welding and Construction
- Middle East Journal of Rehabilitation and Health Studies
- Mitologias Hoy
- Moenia
- Oriente Moderno
- Philip Roth Studies
- Politique Africaine
- Recherches sur Diderot et sur L'Encyclopedie
- Revista Archai
- Revista Pesquisa em Fisioterapia
- Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist
- Russian Journal of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology /Anesteziologiya i Reanimatologiya
- Sapporo Medical Journal
- Sealing Technology
- Shagi/ Steps
- Sovremennaya Revmatologiya
- Stasis
- Zeichen
- African Journal of Legal Studies
- Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings
- ArcHistoR
- Atlantic World
- Austrian Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Balkan Studies Library
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- Caracol
- Early Popular Visual Culture
- China Oncology
- Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine
- Edinburgh Law Review
- Eksperimental'naya i Klinicheskaya Gastroenterologiya
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- Handbook of Statistics
- International Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design
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- IPPTA: Quarterly Journal of Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association
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- Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
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- Moderna Arhivistika
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- Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies
- Numen Book Series
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- Quaestio
- Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe
- Revue de synthese / Centre international de synthese
- Revue du Praticien
- Ricerche di Storia dell Arte
- RUDN Journal of Russian History
- Scripta Botanica Belgica
- Siglo XXI, Literatura y Cultura Espanolas
- Special Report - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board
- Spirale
- Spool
- Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters
- Studies in Law Politics and Society
- Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering
- Tort trial & insurance practice law journal
- U.S. Geological Survey Data Series
- Viator - Medieval and Renaissance Studies
- World Scientific Series in Finance
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- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
- America sin Nombre
- Annali di Storia delle Universita Italiane
- Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo
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- Concentric
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- Labor: Studies in Working-Class History
- International Public History
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- New York University Journal of Law and Liberty
- Opuholi Zenskoj Reproduktivnoj Sistemy
- New Zealand Journal of Mathematics
- Paper Asia
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- Renewable Resources Journal
- Research in Contemporary World Literature/ Pazhuhesh-e Zabanha-ye Khareji
- Revista de Occidente
- Russian Journal of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
- Scrutiny2
- US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service - Resource Bulletin
- Vingtieme Siecle: Revue d'Histoire
- Age of Human Rights Journal
- American Music
- Annales Universitates Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia
- Arqueologia Mexicana
- Art History
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- Concurrent Systems Engineering Series
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- International Journal of Phytopathology
- Kranion
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- Metall
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- Taida Journal of Art History
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- Agricultural Commodities
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- Archeologia dell'Architettura
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- Innsbrucker Beitrage zur Sprachwissenschaft
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- International Journal of Interdisciplinary Civic and Political Studies
- International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
- International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra
- Islamic Quarterly
- Journal of Asian Humanities at Kyushu University
- Journal of Mammalian Ova Research
- Journal of New Zealand Studies
- Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology
- Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archaologie
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- Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Immunopathology
- Pharmaceutical Processing
- PIDE Working Papers
- Research Reports on Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University
- Revista Academica Ciencia Animal
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- Spinnovation
- Studies in EU External Relations
- Studi Medievali
- Toxicology International
- Translational Research in Biomedicine
- U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet
- Urogynaecologia International Journal
- World Journal of Endocrine Surgery
- Windows in time
- Chinese journal of medical instrumentation
- Zhenkong Kexue yu Jishu Xuebao/Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
- Betonwerk und Fertigteil-Technik/Concrete Precasting Plant and Technology
- Afriques
- Asia Maior
- Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Espeleologia y Ciencias del Karst
- Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology - Pure and Applied Mathematics
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- Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases
- Comma
- Converting Today
- Comparative Law Review
- Converter
- Current Gynecologic Oncology
- Digithum
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- European human rights law review
- Explosion
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- Insight - Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses
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- International Journal of Learning
- Internet Journal of Restorative Justice
- Islamic History and Civilization
- Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research
- Journal of the Australasian Tax Teachers Association
- Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences
- Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies-New Series
- Law in Eastern Europe
- Mathematica Applicanda
- Medievalia et Humanistica
- Manuscrits
- Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
- Mondo Digitale
- Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology Series
- New Carbon Materials
- Nka
- Proceedings - Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference
- Plural. History. Culture. Society
- Perspectives of New Music
- Revista Internacional de Linguistica Iberoamericana
- Revue du Rhumatisme (Edition Francaise)
- South African Theatre Journal
- Spolia
- Strategic Comments
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- Studi Secenteschi
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- Translation Review
- Tumor Diagnostik und Therapie
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- Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia
- Acta Pediatrica Espanola
- Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms
- African American Review
- ANAS Transactions, Earth Sciences
- Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica
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- European Procurement and Public Private Partnership Law Review
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- Handelingen van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Toponymie
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- International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies
- International Journal of Early Childhood Learning
- International Studies in Religion and Society
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- Journal fur Urologie und Urogynakologie
- Journal of Business Ethics Education
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- Journal of Oncological Science
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- Modulo Arquitectura CUC
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- Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing
- Gripla
- NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics
- Normas
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- Operations Management Education Review
- Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
- Perm University Herald - History
- Prometeica
- Revista de Cancioneros Impresos y Manuscritos
- Revista del Jardin Botanico Nacional
- RSC Drug Discovery Series
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- Series on Knots and Everything
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- Studia et Documenta
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- Textiles South East Asia
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- Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Altertum und Deutsche Literatur
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- Pouvoirs: Revue d'Etudes Constitutionnelles et Politiques
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- Obrana a Strategie
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- Peitho
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- Revista Internacional de Tecnologia, Ciencia y Sociedad
- Revista de Psicologia de la Salud
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- Scripta Mediaevalia
- Sic
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- Sobre Practicas Artisticas y Politicas de la Edicion
- Studies in African Languages and Cultures
- Studies in Language Variation
- Synergies Portugal
- Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences
- TB - Mitteilungen Forschen und Prufen
- Uspekhi Fiziologicheskikh Nauk
- Tumor
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- Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en letterkunde
- Versus
- Viking and Medieval Scandinavia
- Vulcan
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- Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Philologie
- Zhonghua yi shi za zhi (Beijing, China : 1980)
- Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Ostravienis Studia Germanistica
- Acta Marisiensis - Seria Medica
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- Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia: Serie III, Rendiconti
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- Australasian Journal of Popular Culture
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- Brill's Studies in Intellectual History
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- Historical Materialism Book Series
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- Journal of the Alamire Foundation
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- Political Economy of Communication
- Proceedings from the Document Academy
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- Relation
- Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences
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- Segle XX
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- Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Biologia
- Studies in ancient medicine
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- 3D Printing in Medicine
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- Brazilian Neurosurgery
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- Brill Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures
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- Fotocinema
- Foundations and Trends in Electric Energy Systems
- Fundamental Theories of Physics
- Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Map Series
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- Heritage and Identity
- Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 2, South Asia
- History of Christian-Muslim Relations
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